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Welt im Ohr: Gender and empowerment in academic projects of the Austrian Development Cooperation

27. May 2019Development ResearchResearcher

Scientists and members of staff of the APPEAR projects SUSFISH-plus und LoCaBreed, both of which are being implemented in Burkina Faso, report on visible and invisible orders of …

Presentation at the Natural History Museum: The best bulls for Burkina Faso

13. May 2019Development Research

Pamela Burger from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna will present the APPEAR project LoCaBreed, a breeding programme for local and endangered cattle breeds in Burkina …

Implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Goals: Quo Vadis Austria?

9. May 201959:49Development ResearchResearcher

Where does Austria stand regarding the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The platform "SDG Watch" organised the first forum in Vienna.

"Welt im Ohr": Medical anthropology: The socio-cultural aspects of health

25. April 2019Development ResearchResearcher

Three medical anthropologists will talk about their work in Africa and the many facets of medical anthropology. Radio broadcast on ORF Ö1 Campus on April 26th, 2019 from 8 to 9 …

Social work in East Africa. Book presentation in the framework of the APPEAR project PROSOWO

11. March 2019Development ResearchResearcher

The latest publication of the APPEAR project Professional Social Work in East Africa | PROSOWO II was presented in Uganda's capital Kampala on the 6th of March 2019.