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Dr. Yinager Dessie becomes Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia

25. July 2018Development ResearchAlumni

The former OeAD scholarship holder Dr. Yinager Dessie was appointed Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia.

First conference for Young African Scientists in Europe

25. July 2018Development ResearchResearcher

Three APPEAR scholarship holders took part in the YASE conference, which focused on scientific capacity building and networking.

African and European social workers in dialogue at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

24. July 2018Development ResearchResearcher

Team members of the APPEAR project PROSOWO and other scientists met on June 29th, 2018 at the Campus Feldkirchen to exchange scientific ideas and to etablish transnational networks …

Der neue Welt im Ohr Podcast Newsletter

19. June 2018PodcastsDevelopment Research

Ab sofort werden Sie informiert, sobald ein neuer Podcast online geht.

Dr.Paul Yillia, former North-South Dialogue Scholarship holder, received Utility Week Industry Award

19. June 2018AlumniDevelopment Research

On May 16th, 2018 Dr. Paul Yillia, a former North-South Dialog Scholarship holder, received the prestigious African Utility Week Industry Award in Cape Town. He received special …