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Awarding of the Austrian Development Research Prize 2017

14. November 2017Development ResearchPress release

Award for excellent achievements presented at the 7th Austrian Development Conference on November 17th in Graz.

Film Days 2017 | Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung

8. November 2017Development ResearchOeAD

Empowerment of girls and women in West Africa, profits with the "green gold" and land rights in Ethiopia are the topics of the cooperation with "this human world".

Save the Date: 7th Austrian Development Conference

7. November 2017Development ResearchResearcher

"Socio-ecological transformations now!" is the central topic of the Austrian Development Conference 2017, which will take place in Graz from November 17th to November 19th, 2017.

"Kein Kapitalismus ist auch keine Lösung"

7. November 2017Development ResearchOeADResearcher

Geschäftsstellenleiter Andreas Obrecht berichtet im Vorfeld der 7. Österreichischen Entwicklungstagung in einer vierteiligen Artikelserie über sozial-ökologische Transformationen.

"Welt im Ohr": Fish against hunger

27. October 2017Development ResearchResearcher

Can sustainable fishing solve the food shortage in East Africa? The new "Welt im Ohr" radio programme on October 27th, 2017 on Ö1 Campusradio explores this question.