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KEF Roundtable: Man and Fire

12. May 2017Development ResearchResearcher

On May 17th Harald Vacik will present the KEF project FIREMAPS in the Natural History Museum and provide an insight into the forest resources conflict in East Africa.

Series of presentations by KEF and APPEAR at the Natural History Museum Vienna

24. April 2017Development Research

The Commission for Development Research and APPEAR would like to invite you to attend presentations in the Natural History Museum Vienna on three evenings in May.

5 years of the radio programme "Welt im Ohr"

9. March 2017Higher EducationDevelopment Research

The OeAD is celebrating the jubilee

Ö1 Radio Programme: Research and teaching in an occupied country

21. February 2017OeADHigher EducationDevelopment Research

On March 1st, 2017 Andreas Obrecht will talk about a higher education cooperation between Vienna and the Gaza Strip in the Ö1 radio programme “Dimensionen – die Welt der …