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Mutual Learning Exercise zu Citizen Science: Österreich beteiligt sich am EU-Austausch

25. March 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Die Europäische Kommission hat ein „Mutual Learning Exercise“ zum Thema "Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice" geschaffen.

Call of the Journal "Citizen Science: Theory and Practice" about Citizen Science and SDGs

23. March 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Contributions are sought for a special collection on "Contributions of Citizen Science to the SDGs and International Development Frameworks". Deadline: 30 April 2022

Register for the 9th Living Knowledge Conference 2022

22. March 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The conference will take place in Groningen from 29 June to 1 July 2022 under the motto "New Synergies in Research with and for Communities: To meet, to learn, to collaborate".

Lecture at the Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich

18. March 2022Citizen SciencePublic Science

The OeAD Center for Citizen Science will introduced Master's students of the PH Upper Austria to the topic of "Citizen Science" on 17 March.

Documentation on the focus of the year 2021 "Hard-to-reach-groups" has been published

18. March 2022Citizen ScienceScience communicationPublic Science

In the documentation, you can read the most important contents from four events on the 2021 thematic focus "Hard-to-reach-groups".