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JSPS Scholarship for Research in Japan

23. September 2021CallScholarship

JSPS provides opportunities for young and excellent postdoctoral researchers from Austria to conduct the cooperative research with leading academic groups in universities and other …

Offers for cultural education with schools 2021/22

6. September 2021KulturvermittlungCall

In the school year 2021/22 the OeAD will once again launch numerous calls for proposals and initiatives in the field of “cultural education with schools”.

Review: "Sparkling Science 2.0" applicants online information session

3. September 2021Citizen ScienceCallPublic Science

Yesterday, over 300 interested parties participated in the information session, organized by the OeAD, about the new programme “Sparkling Science 2.0”. The call opened on 1 …

Submit now: "Sparkling Science 2.0" enters the first round!

1. September 2021CallSchoolPublic Science

The first call for proposals for "Sparkling Science 2.0" starts today. Submissions are possible as of now. The projects themselves can start with the school year 2022/23.

eTwinning-Webinare – Ihre Expertise ist gefragt!

26. August 2021CallSchool

Sind Sie Experte/Expertin im Umgang mit einer Lernsoftware? Haben Sie schon viel Erfahrung mit einem bestimmten Online-Tool oder einer Methode im Unterricht gesammelt? Wir laden …