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Call for educational research with 8.8 million euros now open

3. October 2022CallPress release

BMBWF and OeAD expect research results on highly relevant topics by 2026

Cultural education with schools: Register now for the information events!

22. September 2022KulturvermittlungCallSchool

The OeAD invites teachers, artists and cultural educators to find out about all the current calls for proposals and initiatives relating to cultural education with schools in the …

Start of the calls for proposals: Cultural Education with Schools

2. September 2022KulturvermittlungCallSchool

In the school year 2022/23 the OeAD, on behalf of the BMBWF, will once again issue numerous calls for proposals and initiatives for cultural education with schools...

[Translate to English:] Virtuelle Informationsveranstaltung zur Initiative „Bildungsinnovation brauc

16. August 2022CallPartnershipsResearcher

Interessierte Institutionen können sich vor Ausschreibungsstart über die Rahmenbedingungen informieren und ihre Fragen stellen.

Register now: Info events on offers of cultural education with schools

15. July 2022KulturvermittlungCallSchool

Teachers, artists, and cultural educators are invited to learn about current calls for proposals and initiatives.