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Ö1 Campusradio - Gregor Mendel und die „Grüne Revolution“

1. April 201653:15

Radio broadcast about Gregor Mendel and the "green revolution".

Ö1 Campusradio - Forschung & Entwicklung in Burkina Faso in Zeiten politischer Unruhen

5. February 201655:26

Radio broadcast about research and development in Burkina Faso in times of political unrest.

Ö1 Campusradio - Zwischen sowjetischer Vergangenheit und Aufbruch. APPEARs neue Schwerpunktländer

4. December 201559:28

This one-hour feature tackles the situation in the three new eligible countries of the APPEAR programme. The Soviet past as well as current socio-economic developments, the …

Film Days 2015: Stadt.Land.Wandel.

24. November 2015

For the fourth time, APPEAR – in cooperation with the Commission for Development Research (KEF) – organised the Film Days Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung.

Ö1 Campusradio - „Der See als Mikrokosmos“: Limnologie zwischen Österreich & Ostafrika

9. October 201552:49

The guests of this radio broadcast introduced the the International Training Programme in Limnology (IPGL) and talked about the history of this 40-year-old cooperation between East …