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Ö1 Campusradio - Der Klimawandel: Globale Auswirkungen unseres Verhaltens

28. May 201558:59

In this radio broadcast two experts from an APPEAR-project talked about climate change on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, one of the most vulnerable regions. They also discussed …

APPEAR programme presentation in Yerevan

14. May 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of a training in the Tempus/EU project “GOVERN” at the Yerevan Medical University

Ö1 Campusradio - „Flüssiges Gold“: Wasser - der Rohstoff des 21. Jahrhunderts?

24. April 201559:43

In this radio broadcast the guests were invited to talk about the causes of water scarcity and their impact on human everyday life, using examples from Ethiopia, the Gaza Strip and …

APPEAR programme presentation in Graz

21. April 2015

WUS Austria used the opportunity to present APPEAR while being host of a workshop on the „Development of Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks“ in the frame of the TEMPUS project …

APPEAR programme presentation in Georgia

8. April 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of the final event of the project “UNIMIG - Migration and Higher Education - Building Skills and Capacities” at Tbilisi State University