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APPEAR programme presentation in Moldova

7. April 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of the TEMPUS project “Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Moldova”. The conference “From Quality Assurance to …

Ö1 Campusradio - Das APPEAR Programm: Rückblick – Rundblick – Ausblick

27. March 201559:58

The three guests of this radio broadcast had been involved in the setting up and the implementation of the APPEAR programme from the very beginning. Listen to their conclusions …

APPEAR programme presentation in Vienna

26. March 2015

The aim of the event was to introduce APPEAR to the public, to the ones who have not participated in prior calls and also to former applicants and project partners.

Besides the general programm presentations the event aimed at informing about new modalities which come into …

Ö1 Campusradio - Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Umbruch, im Aufbruch?

27. February 201556:39

According to many experts development cooperation is in a deep crisis and the reasons for this are numerous. Some answers to many questions are given by the guests of this radio …

Ö1 Campusradio - "Barrios": Stadtentwicklung im Prozess

16. January 201559:50

The Austrian project coordinator of the APPEAR-project urban_managua, a team member and a student were invited to talk about the challenges with regard to increasing housing …