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Ö1 Campusradio - Student/innen erleben Afrika. Eindrücke aus Burkina Faso und Kenia

21. June 201359:50

In this broadcast three students from the BOKU who participated in field researches in Burkina Faso (SUSFISH) and in Kenya (WATERCAP) talk about their experiences. What did they …

APPEAR in practice_2

29. May 2013

Fachdiskurs jenseits von "Entwicklungsrhetorik".

Der interkulturelle Theorie-Praxis-Austausch in der Projektpartnerschaft mit El Salvador und Nicaragua.

Ö1 Campusradio - Von der Pflanzenheilkunde über die Hexerei zu Public Health

17. May 201359:51

Ruth Kutalek, Medical University of Vienna, talks about the APPEAR project "Master Program Medical Anthropology and International Health | MA-MEDANIH", as well as about …

Ö1 Campusradio - Präsentation der KEF-Filmtage 2013

5. April 2013

This radio broadcast introduces the outline of the Film Days 2013, presents the movies and the topics of discussion.

Ö1 Campusradio - Heilpflanzen gegen Malaria: Traditionelle Medizin in Burkina Faso

15. February 201352:30

Aline Lamien Meda, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, and Elke Stinnig from APPEAR, talk about the project "Elements for a Burkina Faso national pharmacopoeia: monographs …