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The project Building Organic Agriculture in Armenia (BOAA) is off to an excellent start

1. August 2017

BOAA is a higher-education based project developed in cooperation with the International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education (ICARE) in Yerevan, The Armenian National …

Social Work Conference 2018: Call for abstracts

20. July 2017

The conference will take place from 20th to 22nd of March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. Abstracts can be submitted until 15th of October 2017.

Medizinanthropologie: Über die soziokulturellen Aspekte von Gesundheit

27. June 201759:48

Drei Medizinanthropolog/innen im Gespräch über ihre Arbeit in Afrika und die vielfältigen Facetten der Medizinanthropologie

Four Ugandan agricultural scientists within the APPEAR project AER explored Austrian organic farms

21. June 2017

During two weeks in May 2017 a group of four Ugandan agricultural scientists from the Mountains of the Moon University from Western Uganda together with their partners from BOKU …

SUSFISH-plus project partners took part in the launching ceremony for Lake Bam restoration project

21. June 2017

Former scholarship holder and national project coordinator of APPEAR project SUSFISH-plus met the President of Burkina Faso and presented the APPEAR project.