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Register now for the Preliminary Event to the 7th Austrian Development Conference

15. May 2017

Socio-ecological transformations – perspectives from Austrian development research, 19th of May 2017, 11am to 6pm, large hall of the OeAD, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

Nicaragua: Lehren, Forschen und Reisen im Land der Seen und Vulkane

12. May 201759:52

This broadcast is dedicated to Nicaragua, especially to the topics of education and climate change (research).

INEDIS Kick-off Workshop in Ethiopia

3. May 2017

For the first time the entire team that consists of members of four universities met in person, got to know each other and laid the foundation for the upcoming project activities. …

First TEMACC project meeting in Ethiopia

3. May 2017

At the end of March, TEMACC project team members Johannes Sametinger and Peter Oppelt from Johannes Kepler Universität Linz travelled to Ethiopia for their first project team …

Panellist at APPEAR in practice_6 event

13. April 2017

Scholarship holder Ayelech Kidie Mengesha from Ethiopia was a panellist at APPEAR in practice_6 that took place on the 15th of March 2017 and was dedicated to land rights and land …