
Neue Wege im MINT-Unterricht: Praxiswerkstatt SEK I

23. January 2024YoungScienceSchool

Interaktive Veranstaltung für alle MINT-Lehrpersonen am 15. Februar. Jetzt anmelden, Neues entdecken und mit Kolleg/innen und Expert/innen vernetzen.

Invitation to the Burgenland presentation: "Digital landscape of remembrance – DERLA Burgenland"

22. January 2024Holocaust EducationPress release

Persecution and murder of Roma during the National Socialist era. Event on 5 February 2024 in Oberwart.

Study in Hungary – More than expected!

22. January 2024CallScholarship

Study and research in Hungary - Now students, teachers and researchers can apply for the attractive scholarship programmes of the AKTION Austria-Hungary.

Study in Czechia – Your future.You choose.

22. January 2024CallScholarship

Study and research in Czechia - Now students, teachers and researchers can apply for the attractive scholarship programmes of the AKTION Austria-Czech Republic.

Study in Slovakia – Good Idea!

22. January 2024CallScholarship

Study and research in Slovakia - Now students, teachers and researchers can apply for the attractive scholarship programmes of the AKTION Austria-Slovakia.