
As of 28 February: External persons in class!

25. February 2022KulturvermittlungSchool

Following the Ministry of Education's current decree school will mostly take place as usual again as of 28 February...

Current calls for applications within the Aktion Austria – Czech Republic

24. February 2022CallScholarship

We would like to draw your attention to the following current calls for applications of the Aktion Austria – Czech Republic.

Einladung zur Konferenz "Europe talks Solidarity"

22. February 2022

Bei dem Forum von 18. bis 20. Mai in Helsinki steht das Thema "Solidarität in Europa" im Mittelpunkt.

Ausschreibung eTwinning-Preis & Qualitätssiegel 2022

22. February 2022European ProgrammesSchool

Die Bewerbungsphase für den nationalen Wettbewerb hat begonnen. Lehrkräfte, die europäische eTwinning-Projekte durchgeführt haben, können diese ab sofort beim OeAD einreichen.

New call for applications for the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships

18. February 2022Scholarship

The fifth call for application for the winter semester 2022 has been opened. Deadline is the 13 March 2022.