
Austria: Where I learned and improved myself

31. August 2021ScholarsAlumni

Ba Lam Do first came to Austria in 2013 for his PhD studies at the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology. He was very fortunate that his wife, too, received a …

60 Years OeAD: To the OeAD, our colleague and partner

31. August 2021OeAD60Bildungskooperation

The Academy for Lifelong Learning Odessa congratulates its long-standing partner – the OeAD, Agency for Education and Internationalisation – on its 60th anniversary.

Afghanistan: Why we should receive scientists at risk

27. August 2021Higher EducationResearcher

In an appeal to governments and EU institutions networks and umbrella organisations are calling for a continuation of the evacuations to receive scientists and students.

OeAD-Fachtagung im Rahmen der EuroSkills: Erasmus+ – Skills for Europe, Skills for the World

26. August 2021European ProgrammesOeADVocational Training

Der OeAD ist offizieller Programmpartner der EuroSkills 2021 und veranstaltet als Teil des Konferenzprogramms am 24. September 2021 eine Fachtagung mit dem Titel "Erasmus+ – Skills …

Final Checks 2021 Erasmus+ Akkreditierungen

26. August 2021

Melden Sie sich jetzt für Einzelberatungen zu Ihren Akkreditierungs-Anträgen in den Bereichen Schul-, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung an!