
Czech scholarship holder actively participates in initiative to slow down the Covid-19 pandemic

2. April 2020AlumniScholars

Scholarship holder Laura describes the story of the Covid-Czechia emergency team and tells why they decided to make face masks available for the Czech people as soon as the …

Digitales Lernen mit eTwinning

31. March 2020European ProgrammesSchool

Die europäische Gemeinschaft für Schulen bietet Pädagog/innen in diesen herausfordernden Zeiten ein virtuelles Klassenzimmer.

Verlängert: Antragsfrist Erasmus Hochschulcharta (ECHE)

30. March 2020European ProgrammesHigher Education

Die Antragsfrist für die Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung (ECHE) 2021 – 2027 wurde auf den 26. Mai 2020 verlängert.

OeAD-Calice: Support for students discontinuing/interrupting Erasmus periods

30. March 2020European ProgrammesPress releaseOeAD

The OeAD offers accommodating solutions for funded projects.

Welt im Ohr: Open Access – free access to science in North and South

26. March 2020Development ResearchResearcher

Open Access – free access to scientific data – financing, criticism and the role of countries of the global South.

ORF Ö1 Campus March 27th, 2020, 8-9 p.m. (repeat from March …