
Scholarship programme of the European Forum Alpbach

18. February 2020CallScholarship

The European Forum Alpbach's scholarship program enables young talents from all over the world to take part in the seminar week 2020. Closing date for applications: March 31st, …

Ausschreibung eTwinning-Preis & Qualitätssiegel 2020

18. February 2020CallEuropean ProgrammesSchool

Haben Sie in diesem Schuljahr mit Ihrer Schulklasse ein eTwinning-Projekt durchgeführt? Arbeiten Sie in einem Kindergarten und haben sich und Ihre Kinder europäisch vernetzt? Dann …

Welt im Ohr: Erasmus+, Horizon2020 and Brexit

12. February 2020European ProgrammesEuropäischer Hochschulraum

A radio programme about the impact of Brexit on science, research and educational mobility between Great Britain and Austria - also after 2020.

OeAD alumnus, Dr. Basanta Raj Adhikari, talks about the effects of climate change in the Himalayas

5. February 2020Researcher

Dr. Adhikari’s talk was part of the workshop "Vanishing Ice – Human and natural impacts of changing cryosphere", which took place from January 21st to 22nd, 2020 at the University …

Impressions of the 1st General Assembly of Africa-UniNet

4. February 2020

The kick-off meeting and first General Assembly of the Austrian-African Research Network | Africa-UniNet took place from 30-31 January 2020 at the University of Natural Resources …