
Austrian Bologna implementation project again among the best in the European Higher Education Area

23. July 2019Europäischer HochschulraumHigher Education

The Erasmus+ project is dedicated to the implementation of the Bologna guidelines and the further development of the Austrian higher education area.

Since 1987 10 million people in Europe have used the Erasmus programme.

19. July 2019OeADEuropean ProgrammesPress release

The Federal Minister Iris Rauskala (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)) and the OeAD’s Managing Director, Jakob Calice, saw four participants in the …

"Welt im Ohr": Discoverers, explorers, adventurers - once to the end of the world and back

18. July 2019Development ResearchResearcher

In this "Summer Reading" the novel "Der König von Ozeanien" ("The King of Oceania") is presented, the historical background of which is mainly set in Papua New Guinea. Ö1 Campus …

Delegation of the Diplomatic Academy Vienna visits Shanghai

17. July 2019OeADHigher EducationResearcher

A delegation from the Diplomatic Academy Vienna visited the OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai in July.

Assignment of continuing education courses to the NQF possible as of autumn

16. July 2019Press release

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) aims to promote mobility, permeability and recognition of competences between training systems as well as lifelong learning.