
"OeAD macht Schule": Symposium in Vienna on April 30th, 2019

4. February 2019OeADSchool

What does support teachers in the (further) development of digital skills

"Erasmus+ im Bild": Figures and data on the Erasmus+ programme in Austria

4. February 2019European Programmes

The current edition of the brochure (in German) focuses on the application years 2017 and 2018.

Verlängerung der Erasmus+ Antragsfrist

1. February 2019European Programmes

Sie können Ihren Antrag in der Leitaktion 1 bis 12. Februar 2019 (12 Uhr MEZ) online einreichen.

EURAXESS Austria: Exchange of experiences on Career Development on March 6th, 2019

1. February 2019Higher EducationResearcher

The event focuses on the development and expansion of career services at higher education and research institutions.

AAL_21_with Miguel Vazquez Pufleau

1. February 201945:26PodcastsAlumni

A problem solver of complex technical issues and processes tells his story – because pigeonholing is passè.