
Implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Goals: Quo Vadis Austria?

9. May 201959:49Development ResearchResearcher

Where does Austria stand regarding the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The platform "SDG Watch" organised the first forum in Vienna.

Learning through experience: Recognising and using potential with Erasmus+.

9. May 2019Press releaseEuropean Programmes

The fifth Erasmus+ annual conference on May 8th, 2019 in Vienna was dedicated to experience-based learning. The brain researcher Bernd Hufnagl explained what stimulates our brains …

Austrian researchers vistit the Austrian Center Shanghai

6. May 2019OeADHigher EducationResearcher

Alexandra Wagner from the OeAD Cooperation Office and Austrian Center welcomed several top researchers from Austria in Shanghai in April.

Study trip "Law and Economy in China" of the University of Vienna

6. May 2019OeADStudiesHigher Education

The study trip to Shanghai and Beijing was supported by the OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai.

Austria-Ukraine Cultural Year 2019

2. May 2019OeADPartnerships

The OeAD and the OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv support the Austria-Ukraine Cultural Year.