Aktivitäten von Alumni

Austrian Alumni Session held in Beijing

18. September 2018AlumniHigher EducationResearcher

The Austrian Alumni Session aims to establish a platform where Chinese citizens who had learning, research or work experience in Austria and Austrian citizens who currently study …

AAL_16_Alumni AudioLab with Vardan Elbakyan

31. August 201841:06PodcastsAlumni

Vardan Elbakyan deals as an astrophysicist with calculations of the universe, in particular with the emergence of new stars.

AAL15_Alumni AudioLab with Jernej Kosi

2. August 201829:21AlumniPodcasts

Jernej Kosi is conducting research on Slovenian refugees in the First World War, who had to endure in catastrophic refugee camps in the Austrian hinterland. They were warned much …

Dr. Yinager Dessie becomes Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia

25. July 2018Development ResearchAlumni

The former OeAD scholarship holder Dr. Yinager Dessie was appointed Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia.

Dr.Paul Yillia, former North-South Dialogue Scholarship holder, received Utility Week Industry Award

19. June 2018AlumniDevelopment Research

On May 16th, 2018 Dr. Paul Yillia, a former North-South Dialog Scholarship holder, received the prestigious African Utility Week Industry Award in Cape Town. He received special …