Aktivitäten von Alumni

Former OeAD scholarship holder Oliver Hauser performs research on the environmental and economic imp

4. August 2020Alumni

Alumnus Oliver Hauser, who studied physics at the University of Innsbruck between 2007 and 2010 and did his PhD in the field of Biology in Harvard, recently took part in the first …

Connecting OeAD Alumni from all around the world

24. July 2020Alumni

The first Online Meeting for OeAD Alumni took place on the 15th of July 2020. More than 80 Alumni from all around the world met virtually and shared stories from the professional …

OeAD Alumnus developes biohydrogel to overcome drought periods in agriculture

22. July 2020Alumni

Three quarters of the world farmers rely entirely on rain-fed agriculture. Thus, constant droughts are seriously affecting their livelihoods and threatening world food security. …

Invitation to the First Online Meeting for OeAD Alumni

24. June 2020Alumni

In the First Online Meeting for Alumni former OeAD scholarship holders will tell stories about how they experienced the coronacrisis in their home countries. We warmly invite …

Learning German with Laura - OeAD scholarship holder gives online German course in times of lockdown

24. June 2020ScholarsAlumniScholarship

In times of Covid 19 all of us have experienced the importance of solidarity and sharing. What is really important? What can be shared in times of social distancing and lockdown: …