Aktivitäten von Alumni

AAL_23_with Kesang Wangchuk

30. April 2019PodcastsAlumni

Mountains, Happiness and Research – Story of a Bhutanese who went forth to find happiness in research.

OeAD Alumni Talk with Basanta Raj Adhikari from Nepal

18. April 2019Alumni

On 11 April, 2019 Basanta Raj Adhikari from Nepal shared his experiences as former OeAD scholarship holder and as researcher during the OeAD Alumni Talks.

Welcome & Alumni Talks with Kesang Wangchuk

1. April 2019Alumni

Does a Bhutanese find the principle of happiness also in his research? And how many languages do our incoming scholars actually speak? These were only 2 of many topics at the …

First Bachelor's graduate from Oman: Aisha Al Atar

27. March 2019AlumniStudies

It is with great pleasure and pride that we congratulate our first graduate from Oman, Aisha Al Atar, on completing her Bachelor's degree.

Ring of honour of the University of Vienna for Christof Lammer

20. March 2019AlumniResearcher

The sinologist, cultural and social anthropologist and former Marietta Blau scholarship holder receives the highest distinction "sub auspiciis" for his dissertation.