News by tags

Welt im Ohr: 10 years APPEAR: "Listening show": Sustainable Tourism and Development

19. August 2021Development ResearchResearcher

Everyone is talking about sustainable travel. What can science contribute to it? Ö1 Campus, 20 August, 8-9 p.m. (repeat of 21 March)

10 years APPEAR: "Listening Show" Knowledge and Development

22. July 2021ResearcherDevelopment Research

Pre-scientific, indigenous and local knowledge and early, non-Western knowledge systems have pointed out the vulnerability of the earth. Whose knowledge counts?

10 years APPEAR: "Listening show": Voices from the South: Research for Sustainable Development

25. June 2021Researcher

10 years and 10 voices of researchers and students from the global south in APPEAR projects.

Cultural education and digital media

13. June 202159:49KulturvermittlungSchool

A podcast about teaching culture in schools and the special significance of digital media for culture, especially film and music.

10 years APPEAR: "Listening show" on the protection of aquatic resources for sustainable development

27. May 2021Researcher

The historic negotiations to protect ecological and marine biodiversity as well as a multidimensional research cooperation on sustainable fisheries in Burkina Faso are the topics …