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From journeymen to Erasmus+. Mobility of apprentices in today's Europe

11. June 201901:03:47European ProgrammesVocational Training

In the Middle Ages craftsmen travelled the country as journeymen, today Erasmus+ enables financially supported mobility of apprentices throughout Europe. A radio programme on June …

Go Green: Energy turnaround in Senegal

17. January 201956:33Development ResearchResearcher

In this radio programme the APPEAR project SEA4cities - Sustainable Energy Access for Sustainable Cities – a higher education cooperation between Austria and Senegal is presented …

"Welt im Ohr" (World in your Ear): Best of Global Dialogues 2018 - BROADCASTS FOR CHANGE

3. January 201901:00:04Development ResearchResearcher

In 2018 the Global Dialogues editorial group "Women on Air" focused on "Broadcasts for Change". In line with the "The World We Want" campaign, shaped by Agenda 2030 and the efforts …

ArchE – the Austrian digital archive of help

3. January 201959:52Development Research

In this last podcast of 2018 "Welt im Ohr" takes a look at Austria's development policy of the last 60 years and at the digital archive of help.

Ein faires Handelssiegel feiert Geburtstag

6. December 201859:37

25 Jahre Fairtrade in Österreich. Ein Podcast über das Siegel für fairen Handel, über Globalisierung und die Zusammenhänge von Nord und Süd.