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Ö1 Midday Journal: Spotlight on apprentices

18. December 2017European ProgrammesVocational Training

The Ö1 programme from December 16th reports on the experiences of apprentices who spent some time abroad with the help of Erasmus+.

Veranstaltungsrückblick: Neue Wege der Inklusion an der Schnittstelle Schule – Arbeitswelt

24. November 2017European ProgrammesSchoolVocational Training

Mehr als 70 Expertinnen und Experten trafen sich in den Räumlichkeiten des OeAD zur Fachtagung Europäischer Sozialfonds meets Erasmus+, um über neue Wege der Inklusion an der …

Working and learning in Europe

13. November 2017Press releaseVocational Training

The Federal Ministry of Education and the National Agency Erasmus+ Education (OeAD-GmbH) distinguish success stories.

Save the date: Conference "New Skills. 2 x 3 equals 4".

9. November 2017European ProgrammesVocational TrainingPress release

The MINT (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology) subjects' need for catching up - How can education and economy react together? November 20th, 2017 | WKO, …

Erasmus+ Award 2017 Bildung

31. October 2017Adult EducationVocational TrainingHigher Education

Im Jahr 2017 wird zum dritten Mal der Erasmus+ Award im Bereich Bildung verliehen.