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Forscher der Universität Wien erhält "Proof of Concept"-Grant der ERC

3. August 2020

Der Medizinchemiker Markus Muttenthaler von der Uni Wien erhält einen mit 150.000 Euro dotierten "Proof of Concept"-Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrats ERC.

Tips for finding a flat

29. July 2020

Finding accomodation when you're moving abroad to study can be tough. When you know that you are accepted to a study programme in Europe, it is sensible to start looking for a room …

University of Vienna: Many admission tests are no longer necessary, others are already fixed

21. July 2020

At the University of Vienna there will be entrance examinations at the end of August in the subjects computer science/business informatics, psychology, biology, chemistry as well …

The FH St. Pölten first Austrian university to take over the management of a European University

21. July 2020

These transnational alliances are among the leading initiatives of the European Union in the development and expansion of the European Education Area.

Africa-UniNet starts the first call for proposals with 310,000.- euros

16. July 2020Press releaseHigher EducationOeAD

We are looking for research projects of 14 Austrian and 25 African universities.