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Online-Sprechstunde Ernst Mach-Stipendium - Ukraine

6. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

Online-Sprechstunde in ukrainischer Sprache zum Ernst Mach-Stipendium - Ukraine am 14. Februar 2023 um 15:30 Uhr.

Oнлайн-консультація «Стипендія Ernst Mach – Ukraine» українською …

OeAD advises on studies, scholarships and on the law relating to aliens

3. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

In 2022 the OeAD answered more than 6,100 enquiries from students, researchers and institutions.

Beratungen zu Studium, Stipendien und Fremdenrecht

2. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

Mehr als 6.100 Anfragen von Studierenden, Forschenden und Institutionen beantwortete der OeAD im Jahr 2022.

New UNESCO Chair for Peace Research at the University of Innsbruck

31. January 2023Higher EducationStudies

Rina M. Alluri, a peace researcher, was recently inaugurated as the new UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck.

Master of Arts in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation

31. January 2023Higher EducationStudies

The University of Innsbruck offers a Master's programme in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation.