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New Master of Public International Law

16. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

Sigmund Freud University in Vienna and UNITAR are launching a new Master of Public International Law.

Study Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication

16. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

The UAS FHWien der WKO offers three part-time study programs that are completely taught in English.

Open House IMC Krems, February 18, 2023

16. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

The University of Applied Sciences IMC Krems is offering an open house on February 18.

Online-Sprechstunde Ernst Mach-Stipendium - Ukraine

6. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

Online-Sprechstunde in ukrainischer Sprache zum Ernst Mach-Stipendium - Ukraine am 14. Februar 2023 um 15:30 Uhr.

Oнлайн-консультація «Стипендія Ernst Mach – Ukraine» українською …

OeAD advises on studies, scholarships and on the law relating to aliens

3. February 2023Higher EducationStudies

In 2022 the OeAD answered more than 6,100 enquiries from students, researchers and institutions.