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Hate Speech and Attacks on Scientists

21. June 2024Science communication

The publication sheds light on the context, motives and consequences of attacks on scientists on the internet.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words? Workshop on Science Communication on TikTok and YouTube

20. June 2024Science communication

On June 12, scientists Simon Meier-Vieracker and Mikhail Lemeshko shared their approaches to science communication.

Science for Democracy

10. June 2024Citizen ScienceScience communicationPublic Science

In this year of elections, research can help us to understand and nurture our democracies.

Follow-up report and video of the panel discussion ‘Making the invisible visible’

7. June 2024Citizen ScienceScience communicationPublic Science

On 6 June 2024, the online event of the OeAD department ‘Education and Society’ took place.

Submit project contributions for the ‘OIS zam Forum’ 2024

6. June 2024Citizen ScienceScience communication

The third ‘OIS zam: Forum’ of the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center will take place from 13-14 September 2024.