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OeAD workshops for schools at the UNHCR – Long Day of Flight

4. October 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

On 6 October UNHCR Austria organises the Austria-wide "Long Day of Flight". As a cooperation partner the OeAD offers five free workshops for pupils.

Innovation in education: OeAD shows how teachers are shaping the future

4. October 2023Press releaseSchool

OeAD magazine highlights the key role of teachers in preparing pupils for an ever-changing world

Online information event: Offers of the OeAD for cultural education with schools

3. October 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

The online information event (in German) will take place on 5 October – register now!

Erasmus+ Schulbildung Vernetzungstreffen 2023

3. October 2023European ProgrammesSchool

Über 130 Lehrkräfte kamen am 28. und 29. September in Wien zusammen, um sich über ihre Erasmus+ Projekte auszutauschen und sich untereinander zu vernetzen.

OeAD at the BNE Circle #3: Social trransformation through cultural education?

29. September 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

The event "ESD Circle #3" discusses how cultural education projects can contribute to developing visions of the future of a sustainable world ...