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Our contribution at the Conference of Higher Education Network "Education through Responsibility"

20. July 2022Citizen ScienceSchool

The OeAD Center for Citizen Science will be speaking on citizen science as an approach to inquiry-based learning in teacher education and professional development.


20. July 2022European ProgrammesSchool

Drei österreichische Schulen werden auch heuer wieder mit dem europäischen Preis für innovativen Unterricht ausgezeichnet.

Register now: Info events on offers of cultural education with schools

15. July 2022KulturvermittlungCallSchool

Teachers, artists, and cultural educators are invited to learn about current calls for proposals and initiatives.

Nationale eTwinning-Qualitätssiegel 2022

28. June 2022European ProgrammesSchool

Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerschulen in Europa: 13 eTwinning-Projekte werden mit dem diesjährigen nationalen Qualitätssiegel ausgezeichnet.

Book now: School tours VIENNA DESIGN WEEK

24. June 2022KulturvermittlungSchool

An important format of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK are the school tours through the festival headquarters (this year in Mariahilf), which are supported by the OeAD within the framework …