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Internationale eTwinning-Seminare für Lehrkräfte 2023

11. January 2023European ProgrammesSchool

Finden Sie bei einer eTwinning-Veranstaltung im In- und Ausland ganz einfach Partnerschulen in Europa!

K3 PROJECTS: a radio programme

16. December 2022KulturvermittlungSchoolVocational Training

Within the framework of the OeAD initiative K3 PROJECTS. Cultural education with apprentices bricklayer and metal construction apprentices from the construction company Frey in …

Article in the magazine "neues museum"

16. December 2022School

culture connected: How can good collaboration between pupils and a cultural institution work?

Schools get free workshops on conflict resolution options

7. December 2022School

The minister of education Martin Polaschek and the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice took part in two workshops on conflict resolution options at the HTL Vienna 10 and the …

New: Folder Cultural Education with Schools

7. December 2022KulturvermittlungOeADSchool

The OeAD supports active and equal opportunities-based participation of children and young people in art, culture and society.