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25 years Franz Werfel Grant

27. June 2017Press releaseScholarship

Anniversary publication has been published

Scholarships for students with migrant background

9. June 2017CallScholarshipStudies

The ZUSAMMEN:ÖSTERREICH Academy awards full and partial scholarships for students under the age of 30 with migrant background.

Dr. Sixtus Lanner scholarship for work on the development of rural areas

2. June 2017CallScholarship

The scholarship of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management can now be found in the database

Welt im Ohr: 25 Year Franz Werfel Bursary

26. May 2017PodcastsScholarship

The radio programme on May 26th, 2017 on Ö1 Campusradio reports on the Werfel bursary scheme and the event that took place in the Literaturhaus from 27.-29. April 2017

25 years Franz Werfel bursary programme

24. April 2017Scholarship

Readings and an anniversary event will be held at the Literaturhaus Wien from 27-29 April 2017