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An excellent research career with Franz Werfel - Timofiy Havryliv

28. March 2023AlumniScholarshipResearcher

Tymofiy Havryliv studied German, literature and philosophy in Ukraine and Germany and came to Austria with a Franz Werfel scholarship. In addition to writing numerous books of his …

APPEAR scholar Birtukan Atinkut Asmare on finalizing her PhD

6. March 2023ScholarsScholarshipDevelopment Research

Birtukan Atinkut Asmare finalized her PhD with honors. She tells us about her research and how the APPEAR scholarship leads to future opportunities.

Doctoral Research Fellowship in Canada - Call now open until April 15!

10. February 2023CallScholarship

Doctoral students from Austria can still apply for a one-year research stay in Edmonton until 15 April. The resources of one of Canada's largest research libraries are available …

Alumni organisation from Kosovo visiting Austria

8. February 2023ScholarsAlumniScholarship

New organisation for Kosovar-Austrian alumni came for a visit to Vienna and Graz to gain insights into alumni networks

Scholarship of the Austrian health insurance provider (ÖGK) for medical students – a new scholarship …

6. February 2023Scholarship

Medical students who, after completing their general medical training or specialist medical training, are prepared to work for at least five years with a contract with the Austrian …