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AIT and TU Graz start a joint doctoral program in the field of hydrogen technology

20. October 2022Higher EducationStudiesResearcher

A new PhD program for the development of innovative hydrogen technologies with a focus on reversible high-temperature electrolysis will start in February 2023.

Das OeAD-Magazin #YoungScienceRocks

19. October 2022SchoolPublic ScienceResearcher

Das Magazin bietet vielseitige Einblicke in die OeAD-Initiativen für Wissenschaftsvermittlung an Schulen.

Research Center für Maschinelles Lernen an TU Graz

18. October 2022Higher EducationResearcher

The TU Graz Research Center "Graz Center for Machine Learning" (GraML) was established at the Graz University of Technology.

Mittelmeer-Expedition für Lehrpersonen

17. October 2022Science communicationResearcher

Eine Woche mit dem Young-Science-Botschafter Manuel Marinelli und seinem Team an Bord des Forschungsseglers die Lebensräume des Mittelmeers erforschen.

Meteorites: Fascinating “stones from the sky” at the Natural History Museum Vienna

14. October 2022Researcher

On October 5th, 2022, a group from OeAD had the pleasure to visit the Natural History Museum Vienna upon an invitation of Dr. Ludovic Ferrière, who curates the meteorite and …