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OeAD congratulates the new minister of education Heinz Faßmann

18. December 2017Press releaseOeAD

As a long-standing member of the OeAD Supervisory Board Faßmann has a great understanding of internationalisation.

Erasmus+: 15.800 stays abraod and 420 projects in 2017

1. December 2017European ProgrammesPress release

BM Sonja Hammerschmid, SC Elmar Pichl and Jörg Wojahn (EC) award quality labels for Erasmus+ educational projects and programme ambassadors

Presentation of the Citizen Science Awards 2017: Austria takes part in research

22. November 2017Press releasePublic Science

From May 1st to June 30th, 2017 the Austrian Ministry of Science, Research and Economy invited citizens for the third time to take part in eight selected Citizen-Science projects.

Lack of specialists in MINT (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology) occupations

21. November 2017Press releaseEuropean Programmes

What education and science can do to meet the demand for qualified workers was the topic of this year's New Skills conference on November 20th at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce …

Erasmus+ Education: 100,000 Austrian students took advantage of the Erasmus programme since 1992

15. November 2017Press releaseOeADEuropäischer Hochschulraum

The award ceremony took place during the OeAD and Erasmus+ Higher Education's annual conference in Salzburg.