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Citizen Science Award 2018: Everybody can become a researcher!

18. April 2018Press release

School classes and interested individuals are invited to participate in six research projects.

Opportunities for a successful future through internationalisation and educational mobility

22. March 2018Press release

The FH Burgenland participates very intensively in the successful Erasmus+ programme. The Austrian higher education institutions met in Eisenstadt for the Bologna Day 2018.

praxis@oead-events: OeAD cooperates with Vienna Business School Hamerlingplatz

12. March 2018Press releaseOeAD

The mobility agency offers pupils of a HAK (commercial college) in Vienna the opportunity to gain valuable work experience.

OeAD: IMPULSE programme strengthens Iranian-Austrian scientific cooperation

24. January 2018Higher EducationPress release

Selection committee for "IMPULSE Austria-Iran", chaired by Dr. Heinz Fischer, selects 17 cooperation projects for funding.

KEF gratuliert Wissenschaftsminister Heinz Faßmann

19. December 2017Press releaseDevelopment Research

Die Kommission für Entwicklungsforschung (KEF) freut sich über die Angelobung ihres Kuratoriumsmitglieds.