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Sparkling Science Challenge: Upload pictures and win

25. March 2019CallPublic SciencePress release

All those who have ever worked on a project can post their Sparkling Science photo between April 1st and June 30th and win a prize.

Citizen Science Award 2019: Mitforschen und gewinnen!

21. March 2019CallPress releasePublic Science

Jugendliche, Erwachsene und Schulklassen können ab 1. April 2019 an sieben Projekten mitforschen. Das Zentrum für Citizen Science des OeAD vergibt attraktive Preise.

Theatre ensemble with a long tradition performs in Vienna for the first time

13. February 2019Press releaseHigher EducationOeAD

Saturday, March 2nd in the Schikaneder in Vienna: Students from the Trinity College Dublin perform Jura Soyfer's "The End of the World".

Funding for Erasmus+ Education increases by almost ten million euros

16. January 2019European ProgrammesPress release

The European Commission increases the budget for the domestic education system to 47.4 million euros. Applications for projects and stays abroad can be submitted until spring 2019.

NQF Coordination Point assigns first few qualifications in the health sector to a specific level

20. December 2018Press releaseQualityVocational Training

The NQF Coordination Point (NCP) assigned further qualifications from the formal education sector to a specific level.