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Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Children's and Youth Universities 2024

13. May 2024KinderunisPress releasePublic Science

Once again this year the children's universities funded by the BMBWF offer a wide range of opportunities to get to know research institutions and experience science up close.

Remembrance and education: learning platform on the genocide of Roma and Sinti presented

4. April 2024Holocaust EducationPress release

Presentation of on the occasion of the International Day of Roma/Romnja on 8 April 2024

Citizen Science Award 2024: Participate in research and win a prize!

28. March 2024Citizen SciencePress release

School classes, youth groups, individuals and families can take part in eight research projects from 1 April to 31 July and win attractive prizes.

Internationalisation of higher education institutions: Bologna Day 2024 looks into foreign-language …

21. March 2024Europäischer HochschulraumPress release

Innovative teaching and degree programmes strengthen Austria's position in the European higher education area.

OeAD welcomes 165 new partnerships between schools and cultural institutions

16. February 2024KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

5,400 pupils are taking part in the BMBWF's culture connected initiative