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7300 pupils from 160 schools dealt with sustainability in a creative way

20. June 2023KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

Cultural education projects at schools raised awareness of ecological and social sustainability in the competition projekteuropa

31 new quality labels for outstanding learning apps awarded

2. June 2023Lern-AppsPress releaseSchool

OeAD call for app developers and app providers to submit their learning apps for the next certification round

Trust in Science and Democracy: up to 425,000 euros each for Sparkling Science 2.0 projects

25. May 2023DNAustriaSparkling SciencePress release

Federal Minister Polaschek: Sparkling Science makes science understandable to the young and the old. From 1 June Sparkling Science projects can be submitted to the OeAD.

The UNESCO International Arts Education Week takes place from 20 to 26 May 2023

17. May 2023KulturvermittlungPress release

OeAD, Wiener Festwochen, the Viennese State Opera and the association Verein Jugend und Kultur offer a week full of cultural education.

21 children's and youth universities once again inspire youngsters with their science programmes

5. May 2023DNAustriaKinderunisPress release

Encouraging joy in research: The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) provides more than 1.25 million euros through the education agency OeAD.