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Partnerships between Austria and the South Caucasus: featuring Erasmus+ and APPEAR

20. November 2018PartnershipsHigher Education

There are many and various cooperations between Austrian higher education institutions (HEI) and partner institutions in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan - this was clearly visible …

Jubiläumsfeier 20 Jahre OeAD-Kooperationsbüro Lemberg

18. September 2018PartnershipsLanguagesOeAD

Bei der Jubiläumsfeier in Lemberg würdigte OeAD-Geschäftsführer Stefan Zotti die Arbeit des Kooperationsbüros und unterzeichnete den Vertrag zur Durchführung von Sprachtests.

APPEAR presents TEMACC-Ethiopia

11. September 2018PartnershipsDevelopment Research

In this short video clip Dr. Rahel Bekele, national project coordinator of Addis Ababa University, presents the objectives of the project.

20th anniversary of the OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv

4. September 2018OeADPartnerships

The OeAD's branch office at the National Ivan Franko University in Lviv, Ukraine, celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2018.

Antragszahlen bei Schulpartnerschaften sind stark gestiegen

17. August 2018SchoolEuropean ProgrammesPartnerships

2018 konnten 88 Projekte genehmigt werden