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New ACA president elected

20. June 2017Europäischer HochschulraumHigher Education

Ulrich Grothus, deputy secretary general of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), was elected unanimously as new president by the general assembly of the Academic …

Erasmus+ Generation Online Meeting Point

20. June 2017European Programmes

Neue Vernetzungs- und Diskussionsplattform zu Erasmus+ ist online

30 years of Erasmus stays abroad: new Erasmus+ App on the occasion of the anniversary

13. June 2017Press releaseEuropean Programmes

The Erasmus+ anbassador Katharina Binder will receive an award during the festivities at the European Parliament in Strasbourg today.

Sozial-ökologische Transformationen – Perspektiven Österreichischer Entwicklungsforschung

13. June 201759:49

Welt im Ohr über das Treffen der Entwicklungsforscher/innen Österreichs, Transdisziplinäre Forschung und was Entwicklungsforschung so alles beinhaltet.

Review KEF Roundtable: Maria Wurzinger and the "spitting llamas"

13. June 2017Development ResearchResearcher

On May 31st, 2017 Maria Wurzinger talked about her reserach work on llamas in Cerro de Pasco in the Peruvian Andes in Vienna's Natural History Museum.