News by tags

This is the best service I have ever seen!

13. May 2024ScholarsAlumni

Once again this year, there were very good results from the online survey among the incoming scholarship holders of the OeAD.

Summer school for Czech-Austrian Language Tandem

13. May 2024ScholarsLanguagesScholarship

This year's summer school for Czech or German language skills will take place from July 8 through 27, 2024, in České Budějovice.

Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Children's and Youth Universities 2024

13. May 2024KinderunisPress releasePublic Science

Once again this year the children's universities funded by the BMBWF offer a wide range of opportunities to get to know research institutions and experience science up close.

Europe and us

9. May 2024European ProgrammesOeAD

The OeAD’s activities are inextricably linked to European integration.

Beim Citizen Science Award als Familie mitforschen und Sachpreise gewinnen!

7. May 2024Citizen Science

Am 15. Mai ist Internationaler Tag der Familie - ein guter Zeitpunkt, um noch bei einem der vier Citizen-Science-Award-Projekte für forschungsinteressierte Familien mitzuarbeiten.