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Austria's higher education institutions present themselves at the NAFSA in Los Angeles

1. June 2017

The Austrian higher education institutions are presenting themselves at the NAFSA in Los Angeles for the first time with the new higher education marketing design "Highlight your …

New certificate course for German as a second language and as a foreign language

29. May 2017

The Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna offers a new education and further education option for teachers of German as a second language and as a foreign language as of October 2017.

25 Jahre Franz Werfel Stipendium - Literatur als Erotik

29. May 201758:49

Welt im Ohr widmet sich in dieser Ausgabe dem Franz Werfel Stipendienprogramm und der diesjährigen Jahrestagung mit dem Titel "Literatur als Erotik".

Welt im Ohr: 25 Year Franz Werfel Bursary

26. May 2017PodcastsScholarship

The radio programme on May 26th, 2017 on Ö1 Campusradio reports on the Werfel bursary scheme and the event that took place in the Literaturhaus from 27.-29. April 2017