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Series of presentations by KEF and APPEAR at the Natural History Museum Vienna

24. April 2017Development Research

The Commission for Development Research and APPEAR would like to invite you to attend presentations in the Natural History Museum Vienna on three evenings in May.

Erasmus+ in the United Kingdom

24. April 2017European Programmes

The United Kingdom’s government has confirmed that it will underwrite payments for all Erasmus+ grant agreements signed with the British Council while the UK is still an EU member …

25 years Franz Werfel bursary programme

24. April 2017Scholarship

Readings and an anniversary event will be held at the Literaturhaus Wien from 27-29 April 2017

HERAS Scholarships – Call open

24. April 2017Researcher

The programme HERAS allows PhD students and PostDocs from public Kosovan universities for scholarships in Austria.

Application deadline: 5th June 2017

Nicaragua: Lehren, Forschen und Reisen im Land der Seen und Vulkane

20. April 201759:52

Nicaragua, ein Land voller Geheimnisse. Drei Frauen berichten über das Reisen, Forschen und Lehren in diesem so vielfältigen Land.