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OeAD is a cooperation partner of the Architecture Days

9. June 2022KulturvermittlungSchool

On 10 and 11 June the grand finale of the Architecture Days took place Austria-wide.

Getting young people excited about art and culture!

3. June 2022KulturvermittlungSchool

The final project documentations of the Viennese initiative "KulturKatapult" clearly show one thing ...

K3 – Cultural Education with Apprentices: Musical Workshops at the Raimund Theatre

2. June 2022KulturvermittlungOeADSchool

On three days in May three musical workshops took place at the Raimund Theatre within the project “K3 Cultural education with Apprentices” funded by the OeAD and Basis.Kultur.Wien.

Deadline extended: Video competition: This is where I learn! What does my ideal place of learning …

5. May 2022JugendKulturvermittlungCall

Where and how do children and young people like to learn? In keeping with the thematic focus “Architecture and Education: Living Learning Spaces” the OeAD and the Architecture Days …

100 years of education in Vienna

5. May 2022KulturvermittlungEuropean ProgrammesPublic Science

We thank to the Education Directorate Vienna for their great cooperation!