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Erasmus+ und ESK - Veranstaltungen

20. September 2021Higher EducationEuropean ProgrammesSchool

Online-Infoveranstaltungen zu Erasmus+ und ESK – 2. Antragsrunde 2021

MCI: Top again in international survey

20. September 2021Higher EducationStudies

MCI students again confirm highest student satisfaction and outstanding career services in UNIVERSUM survey | Excellent results for study environment, career opportunities and …

Horizon Europe project at FH Burgenland

15. September 2021Europäischer HochschulraumHigher Education

As one of five international universities, the FH Burgenland will focus intensively on sustainable startup funding and entrepreneurship over the next few years.

Krems exported education to Egypt

15. September 2021Higher EducationStudies

New transnational cooperation between IMC FH Krems and King Salman International University in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.

Montanuniversität Leoben relies on artificial intelligence

13. September 2021Higher Education

A chair on "Cyber ​​Physical Systems" is being set up at the Montan University Leoben.