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Austrian-wide Dual Career Network Meeting in Graz

4. October 2019Higher EducationResearcher

On September 26th/27th, 2019 the 4th network meeting took place at the University of Graz.

"Study in Austria" at the EAIE 2019 in Helsinki

2. October 2019OeADHigher EducationHigher Education Marketing

From September 24th to 27th, 2019 the OeAD and the Austrian higher education institutions represented Austria as an attractive location for higher education at the EAIE in …

900,000 Euros for study periods abroad outside Europe

16. September 2019European ProgrammesHigher EducationPress release

The Minister for Science and Research Iris Rauskala wants to enable more students and lecturers to spend time abroad by means of a special endowment.

Jean Monnet Aktivitäten 2019 – großer Erfolg für Österreich

6. September 2019European ProgrammesHigher Education

Von den 285 weltweit genehmigten Jean Monnet Aktivitäten werden acht von Österreich koordiniert, in zwei weiteren findet man österreichischen Hochschuleinrichtungen als Partner.

29th Higher Education Conference

3. September 2019Higher EducationOeAD

The higher education conference will take place at the University of Vienna on November 18th and 19th, 2019.